Sunday, August 2, 2009

Let's Go, Rangers!

Friday was the first and only Ranger's game for this summer. We chose a Friday night because they do fireworks after every Friday home game, and Riley loved them last year. I remember her dancing in the street (it was closed off, and we were pretty much alone), pointing and screaming with glee every time another went off, and they did a lot. Her hat from last year is too small, so she wanted a new red one. Thanks goodness we went on Family Friendly night, and they had hats and shirts discounted. This was Ruthie's first baseball game.

During the 6th inning, it started lighting, so we came down from the top level, walked around to centerfield, and thought we would see if it would pass. It didn't, and we got stuck until it lightened up. We got wet walking back to the car, and they decided they wouldn't do the fireworks, which they did end up doing 20 min. after we left. Oh well, we had fun, and did get to see the fireworks after they hit two home-runs, so Riley ended up satisfied.


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